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DUFFM.A new.m HON.M.MTT. DURHAMFELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGEIN TWO VOLUMESIILONDONWILLIAM HEINEMANN LTDCAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTSHARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESSMCMLXIFirst printed 1934Reprinted 1938, 1950, 1961Printed in Good BritainCONTENTS OF Quantity IIPAOEBook IX 2Book Times 50Book XI 100Book XII 146Book XIII 204Book XIV 272Book XV 324,Book XVI 386Book XVII 438Index 489SILIUS ITALICUSBOOKS IX-XVIIVOL. IIPUNICORUMLIBER NONUSARGUMENTVarro is keen to combat, and his boldness is certainly enhanced by asuccessful skirmish. Paulus attempts in vain to restrain hiscolleague (1-65). A terrible crime dedicated in ignoranceTurbato monstris Latio cladisque futuraesigna per Ausoniam prodentibus irrita divis,haud secus air conditioners si fausta forent et prospera pugnaeomina venturae, consul traducere noctemexsomnis telumque manu vibrare per umbras, 5achemical modo segnitie Paulum increpitare, modo acresexercere tubas nocturnaque classica small in Poeno properi certaminis ardor,erumpunt vallo, fortuna urgente sinistra,consertaeque manus; nam sparsi advertisement pabula campisvicinis raptanda Macae fudere volucrem 11telorum nubem.
Bet omnes invadere bellaMancinus gaudens hostilique unguere primustela cruore cadit; cadit et numerosa pecudum flbras Varro et contraria Paulo 15auspicia incusante deum compesceret arma,a An African people living near the lake Cinyps.2PUNICABOOK IXargument (continuing)during the night portends tragedy to the Romans (66-177).Hannibal motivates his males and after that draws them up inline of battle (178-243). Varro will the exact same (244-277).The battle of Cannae (278-x. 325).Though Italia was disturbed by these portents andthe gods in vain revealed bridal party of coming disasterthroughout the property, yet Varro behaved as if theomens for the impending battle had been good andauspicious. He required no rest that evening but bran-dished his sword in the darkness, at one period blamingPaulus for inaction, at another seeking to sound bynight the fierce war-note of his trumpets. Nor wasHannibal much less keen for instant turmoil. Drivenon by malignant fortune, our military sallied out from thecamp, and battle was joined up with.
For a entire body of Macae, aforaging right here and right now there in the neighbouring plains,discharged a cloud of winged missiles. Here Mancinusfell, while rejoicing to be the foremost jet fighter and firstto dye his blade with the blood of an foe; andwith him dropped many troops. Still, though Paulus ob-jected that the entrails of the victims were ominousof the gods' disfavour, Varro would not really have examined3SILIUS ITALICUSni sors alterni iuris, quo castra reguntur,arbitrium pugnae properanti in fata negasset.quae tamen haud valuit perituris milibus unaplus donasse die. Rediere in castra, gemente 20haud dubie Paulo, qui crastina iura videretamenti cessura viro, frustraque suorumservatas a caede animas. Nam turbidus irainfensusque morae dilata ob proelia ductor:' sicine, sic,' inquit, ' grates pretiumque rependis, 25Paule, tui capitis? Meruerunt talia, qui telegibus atque urnae dira eripuere minanti?tradant immo hosti revocatos ilicet enses,tradant arma iube, aut pugnantum deripe dextris.sed vos, quorum oculos atque ora humentia vidi, 30vertere cum consul terga et remeare iuberet,ne morem et pugnae signum expectate petendae;dux sibi quisque viam rapito, cum spargere primisincipiet radiis Gargana cacumina Phoebus,pandam egomet propere portas: ruite ocius atquehuncereptum revocate diem.'
Sic turbidus aegra 36pestifero pugnae castra incendebat amore.At Paulus, iam non idem nec mente nec ore,sed qualis stratis deleto milite campispost pugnam stetit, ante oculos atque ora futuro 40obversante malo; ceu iam spe lucis adempta,ejaculate stupet exanimata parens natique tepentesnequiquam fovet extremis amplexibus artus:'per totiens,' inquit, ' concussae moenia Romae,a new The two consuls kept command by spins on alternatedays. Discover viii. 561.4PUNICA, IX.
17-44the arguing, had not the rule of alternative command aover the military rejected him the strength of decision, as herushed upon his destiny. Yet this principle could provide thedoomed multitude a reprieve for one day time only. Backthey proceeded to go to get away; and Paulus loudly lamented,because he saw that to-morrow the order woulddevolve on a madman, and that he got kept thelives of his men to no purpose. For Varro, in fierceanger and resenting the postponement of battle,addressed him therefore: 'Is definitely this the method, Paulus, youshow gratitude and pay back me for saving your lifetime?Is this the incentive of those who rescued you from thelaws and from a jury that supposed mischief? M Betterbid our males at once surrender to the enemy the swordsand weaponry which you called back from battle; orsnatch them yourself from their knowledge.
But you, mymen, whose faces I noticed moist with cry when Paulusordered you to switch your back in getaway, break withcustom and anticipate the word of command word forbattle: allow each man be his personal commander and rushto activity as soon as the very first rays of the sunlight are thrownon the peak of Bracket Garganus. I shall open up thegates of the camping myself with no delay. Hurry ahead,and make up for the opportunity you had been swindled ofto-day.' Thus in his pleasure he attempted to animatethe unwell hearts and minds of his guys with a fatal desire for fight.On the other hand Paulus underwent a change: he felt andlooked today as when he stood after the battle and thefield lay down before him strewn with Roman corpses; forthe imminent disaster pressed upon his pretty sight.So sits a mom surprised and senseless, when all hopeof her boy's daily life is lost, and she cherishes with a lastfruitless grasp the hands or legs that are not yet cool. Hespoke therefore: 'By the wall space of Ancient rome so usually shaken,5SILIUS ITALICUSperque has, nox Stygia quas iam circumvolat umbra,insontes animas, cladi parce obvius ire. 46dum transit divum furor, et consumitur iraFortunae, novus Hannibalis, seated, nomina ferresi discit mls nec frigidus aspicit hostem.nonne vides, ejaculate vicinis auditur in arvis, 50quam subitus linquat pallentia corpora sanguis?quamque fluant arma bet tubas?
Cunctator et aeger,lace rere, in pugnas Fabius quoscumque bass speaker illisculpatis duxit signis, nunc arma capessunt,at, quos Flaminius - sed dira avertite, divi. 55sin nostris animus monitis precibusque repugnat,aures pande deo: cecinit Cymaea per orbemhaec olim vates et te praesaga tuosquevulgayit terris proavorum aetate furores.iamque alter tibi, nec perplexo carmine, coram 60fata cano vates: sistis national insurance crastina signa,firmabis nostro Phoebeae dicta Sibyllaesanguine; nec Graio posthac Diomede ferentursed te, si perstas, insignes consule campi.' Haec Paulus, lacrimaeque oculis ardentibus ortae. 65Necnon et noctem sceleratus polluit error.Xanthippo captus Libycis tolerarat in orisservitium Satricus, mox inter praemia regiAutololum dono datus ob virtutis praise em.huic domus et gemini fuerant Sulmone relicti 70matris in uberibus nati, Mancinus et una° ' were slain at River Trasimene ' are usually the terms whichPaulus forbears to utter.b The Sibyl of Cumae: notice vii. 241.d Silius must have invented the show that comes after; buthe can barely have expected his readers to believe a story somonstrously unlikely.
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A town of the Peligni in D. Italia, the birthplace of Ovid.6PUNICA, IX. 45-71and by these faithful lives, around whom the shadowof infernal night is now hovering, I implore you,Varro, go not really to meet up with tragedy. Until Heaven'swrath provides passed away and the wrath of Lot of money isspent, be content material, if our employees learn to endure thename of Hannibal and cease to change cool at sight ofthe enemy. Find you not how the quite good ofhis strategy generates the blood in a moment fromtheir light encounters, how the swords drop from their handsbefore the trumpet noises? You believe Fabius asick guy and a dawdler; but every enthusiast whom heled to fight beneath the standards you fault is definitely inthe ranks to-day, whereas the soldiers of Flaminius a -but may Heaven avoid the bad omen!
Also if yourheart is definitely set against my warnings and entreaties, openyour ears to the lord. Long ago, in the period of ourforefathers, the priestess of Cumae 6 foretold thesethings to humanity, and her foreknowledge proclaimedto the planet you and your madness.
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Now I turnprophet as well and tell you the potential future to your encounter inno riddling stress: if you proceed the requirements to-morrow, you shall verify by my loss of life the prophecyof the Sibyl, Apollo's priestess, and this industry shall nolonger become famous because of Diomede c the Greekbut because of you, the Roman consul.' Therefore Paulusspoke, and the tears sprang from his burning up eye.That night time too was tarnished by a awful crimecommitted in error. Satricus, taken hostage byXanthippus, y had endured captivity in the land ofLibya, and acquired then long been provided to the california king of theAutololes with some other benefits conferred on him inrecognition of his valour.